Lähiaikoina tullut tehtyä vähän kaikkea: oltu Antoinen lempparifutisjoukkueen futismatsissa, käyty Arlonissa juhlimassa virolaisen Lauran synttäreitä, menestytty taas kerran koeviikolla, mutta suututtu englanninopettajan arvosteluista, pidetty hauskaa kaveriporukalla suunnitellen jo miten tehdään kun menen takaisin Suomeen, vietetty uskomaton viikonloppu Antwerpenissä (tai Anversissa) Antoinen kanssa, mikä aloitti kahden viikon loman.
P.S. Nykyään google kääntäjää tulee käytettyä suomenkielisten sanojen etsimiseen ranskasta, kun oma äidinkieli (sekä englanti) takkuilee... Joten anteeksi kamalasta suomenkielen käytöstäni.

The sun is warming my cheeks, it's warm enough to stay outside without a coat, the grass is getting greener, everything is coming alive, including myself. In winter time when you walked through the streets of Houffalize, the town seemed deserted if you don't count the occasional cars passing, but as the warmth gathers, so do the people. They bear to stay on the street to chat about this and that when the cold doesn't drive them back in front of the fireplace.
Lately I've been doing a bit of everything: I've been to Antoine's favourite football teams,s match, been to Arlon to celebrate the estonian Laura's birthday, succeeded once again on exam week, but gotten mad for the english teacher's evaluations, had a bunch of fun with friends while planning already how things are going to go once I return to Finland, spent an amazing weekend in Antwerpen (or Anvers) with Antoine, which started a two week vacation.
P.S. Nowadays I use google translate more to search Finnish words from French when my own mother tongue (and English) seem to not work anymore... So sorry for the horrible English.
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