Viime viikonloppu oli pidennetty, sillä perjantaina oli Belgian ranskankielisen alueen juhla ja täten koulusta vapaata. Jo keskiviikko iltana muutin pariksi päiväksi Bastogneen, toiseen ja ei niin viralliseen host-kotiini, ja vietin illan katsoen jalkapalloa veljeni kanssa (enkä toki nukahtanut kesken kaiken...). Seuraavat päivät vietin koulukavereiden ja host-vanhempieni kanssa, sillä veljeni lähti perjantain aamuyöstä Lontooseen.
Host-vanhempieni kanssa matka johti Bruges:iin (käytän mieluummin ranskankielistä nimeä), kuulemma yhteen Belgian kauneimmista kaupungeista. Tämä kuitenkin sijaitsee toisella puolella Belgiaa (onneksi Belgia on pieni maa, joten autossa tarvitsi istua vain kolme tuntia kerralla), joten muutos oli sinänsä suuri. Tuntui kuin oltaisiin astuttu ihan toiseen maahan, sillä ranskankieli vaihtui flaaminkieleksi, maasto muuttui kumpumaisesta tasaiseksi, ja ihmiset muuttuivat turisteiksi. Kaupunki oli kyllä todella upea, sitä en voi kieltää, ja olen varma että matkani johtaa sinne vielä uudestaan, sillä tuntuu, että se pitää sisällään vielä paljon enemmän. Kaupunki oli erittäin romanttinen, kuten myös matkamme meren rantaan, jossa kävelimme rantaviivaa pitkin auringonlaskiessa. Muutenkin sunnuntai oli ollut pilvetön ja uskomattoman kaunis päivä, joten se oli hyvä viettää mukavassa seurassa, upeassa kaupungissa!
Host-vanhemmat rannalla |
I've been extremely busy lately because everything is finally settling. I feel like there are all sorts of events all the time and I keep wondering when will I get a chance to take a break. School-work keeps bundling up in the corner with a bunch of tests and projects that need to be done, but they still require a lot of work from me to even understand what the assignment is (luckily even the locals have trouble with this!). I've also found a few people I can trust and with whom I can talk about everything (yes, these days I am capable of taking part in conversations and explaining things!) and with whom I've stayed up at night postponing the homework...oops. My French has improved loads lately, or then I've just gotten more courage to speak and not care about the fact that all my words and whatnot get completely mixed up. Everyone has been praising me about it and I think that people are happy that I'm a lot more social now that I can actually get some sentences out of my mouth.
Last weekend was a little longer than usual, because on Friday the french-speaking part of Belgium was celebrated and thus there was no school. Already on Wednesday I moved over to Bastogne, my other not-so-official host-home and I spent the night watching football with my brother (and it's not like I fell asleep in the middle of everything...). The next days I spent with some friends from school and with my host-parents, because my brother was off to London for a few days.
I took a journey with my host-parents to Bruges (I prefer using the french name), which is apparently one of the most beautiful cities in Belgium. This was however on the other side of Belgium (luckily Belgium is such a small country that it only took 3 hours in the car at a time), so the change was surprisingly large. It felt like we'd stepped into another country, because French changed to Flemish, the terrain went from hilly to flat and the people changed to tourists. The city really was gorgeous, that I have to admit, and I'm sure that I'll be going back there sometime, because I feel like it has so much more to offer. The city was romantic, much like the trip we took to the sea-shore where we walked along the shoreline as the sun was setting. Anyway, Sunday had been cloudless and amazingly beautiful, so it was the perfect day to spend in a gorgeous city with good company!
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